I quit my job to have more freedom. I was longing for freedom but suddenly I found myself living by more rules and people telling me what to do.
But there was this dream that it must be possible. That I can still be there for my kids, live a happy beautiful relationship, and have the income that I want. After all, when I am totally exhausted, when my cup is empty, I cannot be there for anyone else.
In my first years with my own business, I lost the excitement very quickly. It seemed to always take my energy instead of giving me energy and nurturing me.
I made a wish to the universe saying please send me someone who’s doing it differently…
And then a friend of mine said “Have you seen Kathrin? You should look for her and her stuff.“
At the time I was earning 2.000-4.000 € a month (and together with my husband we had around 150.000 € a year)
Kathrin’s posts and videos were sparkling bags of possibilities… I thought, “wow, really, is that even possible for me?” With excitement! I just needed a little time to trust because of negative experiences with other high price coaches but with Kathrin, it was different…
After mentoring with Kathrin I switched from private coaching to group mentoring with one call a week.
Directly after the coaching and my shifts, I had my first 10.000 € month and attracted much better clients who were really all in and committed. That was just the beginning, I’ve now had a 100.000 € client!
With Kathrin’s teachings I dared to think and dream much much bigger.
Through her, I found my own voice, my fun relaxed voice. Before there was a business version of me. Now I am just myself.
I am so facinated when sometimes I have a question and then the impulse to watch a session with Kathrin and there’s exactly the answer. Here energy in calls is priceless.
Kathrin embodies a wealth that’s possible for me too.
You can watch celebrities on tv or social media. But it’s so far away. And then there is someone who’s actually made it, who started like I did, and it helps me believe it’s possible for me too. With every word and everything Kathrin does, I know she believes in me – even when I don’t believe. This feeling makes me speechless and is so so beautiful.
For me it is such a blessing and gift that Kathrin shares so openly and honestly with us. Because many mentors don’t. They are always on a pedestal or seem to be perfect.