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Welcome to the sacred space of magical transformations

You might be wondering…

Is this all really possible? Can I make 5- / 6- / 7-figures in a month? Can I work less and earn more? Can I replace hustle with ease? Can I enjoy my life more filled with magic?

If so, then this is the page for you.

I could tell you yes, you can have it all (and more!) but instead I’ll let our gorgeous clients who have already done it tell you…

Jeanine’s magical story

“My cheapest program went from just 39 € to 10.000 € after working with Kathrin…”

“My first reaction after discovering Kathrin (and her prices) was ‘that’s criminal. It can’t be true!’…

But now so much changed that people keep asking me what I’m doing and also want this ‘secret ingredient’…”

Meet Sarah who made a really BOLD move

Old business: 30.000€ month. New business: 85.000€ month.

“I shut down my existing business, created a new one, and earned 85.000 € — in just one month!”

“Without Kathrin, I would have never dared to do that.

I remember asking my friend who was already in several of her programs what it was like… and she sent me a message that I will never forget… “It’s unexplainable. She’s just sitting there and tells stories about her life”.

Kathrin’s vibe and energy challenged me and my beliefs. And totally fascinated me. Kathrin completely embodies wealth with ease.

With her mentoring, I ended my business that I started 5 years ago. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, I’d just invested in a huge rebranding. But I realized it didn’t feel aligned anymore. And started a new one. I went all in.

It was the best decision but also super painful. With lots of tears and fears.

But now I’ve started to just do what I really want to do and it brings me joy. I raised my prices, created a new business, niche, avatar, and made 85.000 € in one month! I’m working so much less, with just 2 calls a week, and I feel so much more relaxed.

I’m daring to do it my way now. Just like I dared to join Kathrin’s program.”

Sarah Tschernigow

Bäm! Business GmbH

She’s not the only one…

“I saw 35.000 € turnover with a new business in 4 weeks”

“Until then my monthly sales were between 3.000-8.000 €. The fun of creating, the new, mastering the challenges, allowing myself more and allowing luxury made this time unforgettable.”

Doris Kasper

Hexellent Management Company LLC

“Suddenly I had sales of around 10.000 €, which I could never have dreamed before”

“The 8 weeks of Miss Smarthead coaching were really an incredible transformation for me. And it actually started the moment I decided to start the coaching. Because Kathrin has opened up so many new possibilities for me with her questions and fundamentally threw all my existing beliefs about money overboard.”

Claudia Engel

Engel Coaching LLC

But making more money is a result of your transformation… not the transformation itself

“I’m working less, earning more, and everything is so much easier”

“I am finally living my true self — with Kathrin my new life began — now I can give the gift of abundance and ease to my children”

After joining Kathrin’s program I changed my entire life — from working as a physiotherapist with 12 clients a day (exhausted and on the point of burnout) to living my childhood dream of becoming a healer. I am now living the life I was always meant to live.

Yes, my salary increased from 4.000 € per month to 20.000-30.000 € per month but it is so much more than that…

With Kathrin my new life began.

She showed me my value and helped me realize my capabilities — that I can really contribute to the world with my abilities. Before I felt like I had to hide it.

With Kathrin, I learned a totally new energy, new possibilities of how to work, what it’s possible to earn. I learned to give myself my space, and my value.

Her calmness inspired me so much. Such a peaceful settled grounded rooted energy — it was easy to take it and bring it to my own life.

I learned to shine

Everything changed. I attracted totally different people and clients.

I am so so grateful. Now I can show my children that everything is possible.

I can give my children something very different. They see me more in abundance and ease. Everything is much easier, in every area of my life and all kinds of situations during the day. I am not available for drama anymore. Our relationship is more loving and easy. My kids speak the language of the universe. They use words like miracles and talk to spirit guides.”

Jessica Mair

Soulpower GmbH

“With Kathrin’s teachings I dared to think and dream much much bigger. Through her, I found my own voice… now I am just myself”

I quit my job to have more freedom. I was longing for freedom but suddenly I found myself living by more rules and people telling me what to do.

But there was this dream that it must be possible. That I can still be there for my kids, live a happy beautiful relationship, and have the income that I want. After all, when I am totally exhausted, when my cup is empty, I cannot be there for anyone else.

In my first years with my own business, I lost the excitement very quickly. It seemed to always take my energy instead of giving me energy and nurturing me.

I made a wish to the universe saying please send me someone who’s doing it differently…

And then a friend of mine said “Have you seen Kathrin? You should look for her and her stuff.“

At the time I was earning 2.000-4.000 € a month (and together with my husband we had around 150.000 € a year)

Kathrin’s posts and videos were sparkling bags of possibilities… I thought, “wow, really, is that even possible for me?” With excitement! I just needed a little time to trust because of negative experiences with other high price coaches but with Kathrin, it was different…

After mentoring with Kathrin I switched from private coaching to group mentoring with one call a week.

Directly after the coaching and my shifts, I had my first 10.000 € month and attracted much better clients who were really all in and committed. That was just the beginning, I’ve now had a 100.000 € client!

With Kathrin’s teachings I dared to think and dream much much bigger.

Through her, I found my own voice, my fun relaxed voice. Before there was a business version of me. Now I am just myself.

I am so facinated when sometimes I have a question and then the impulse to watch a session with Kathrin and there’s exactly the answer. Here energy in calls is priceless.

Kathrin embodies a wealth that’s possible for me too.

You can watch celebrities on tv or social media. But it’s so far away. And then there is someone who’s actually made it, who started like I did, and it helps me believe it’s possible for me too. With every word and everything Kathrin does, I know she believes in me – even when I don’t believe. This feeling makes me speechless and is so so beautiful.

For me it is such a blessing and gift that Kathrin shares so openly and honestly with us. Because many mentors don’t. They are always on a pedestal or seem to be perfect.

Leonie Malinowski

Reise zum Bewusstsein

“Thank you for repositioning my values and future”

“I have long been looking for someone who would inspire me, advise me and accompany me on this journey. A woman with your experience and perspective, to reposition people like me with new values ​​and ways to continue to successfully master my job today and be perfectly positioned for the future.

Thank you Miss Smarthead!”

Frank Heller

Managing director of the german rocco forte hotels

“Even during the coaching, I worked less than ever before”

“Before my time with Miss Smarthead, I worked an awful lot. It was only during the program that I realized that I was just whizzing through a hamster wheel the whole time. Even during the program I worked less than ever before.

That was really the most valuable thing; it’s just really beautiful. I started worked only three days a week for a few hours and that has not changed. I used to feel like I had to do, do, do, do, do. And now everything is just a lot more relaxed.

Yes, just allowing myself to do less and therefore earn more, because then you are more relaxed yourself, as Kathrin always says.”

Simone Herzog

Magic Businessladies

If you’re wondering…

“Are you the right mentor for me, Kathrin?”

“If you are someone who is ready for a whole new perspective on your life and the world, Kathrin is for you.”

“When you meet Kathrin, you know there is something about her that is magical. When you listen to her speak, you know it’s coming from the heart. When you see her ‘do’, you know she is the real deal and a cut above the rest. Kathrin is not your run of the mill “coach.”

I absolutely love her ability to challenge all your beliefs and assumptions behind them. Change your assumption behind your belief and you change your life.

If you are someone who is ready for a whole new perspective on your life and the world, Kathrin is for you. Her questions, her insights and her refusal to accept status quo and let you off the hook are what make her the best at what she does. Word of warning, she will guide you to access a whole new level of thinking and feeling and therefore results, if you embrace her every word.”

Reem Borrows

Dreem Coaching and Consulting

“She is creating mind-blowing results as easy as water runs downhill. She makes you believe in magic”

“I remember hearing Kathrin speak for the first time. She was speaking English and I could tell that she was going outside of her comfort zone. I can clearly remember that I was not even listening to her words, I was just tuning into her world. I could really understand why she was so successful on a deeper level. It was obvious. She was so light, so present and the whole room of 300+ people was mesmerized.

“I remember telling Kathrin that sometimes I feel that I have got more inner transformation just by listening and talking to her than I had when I was mentored by Bob Proctor. It is a big statement all although I believe that a lot of people could say the same.

“I run my own coaching business where I now make over $ 2M per year and I can say for sure that Kathrin has had a big influence on my business. She is also an incredible human being and I believe that just spending time with her is making me see and understand things in a whole different way.

Kathrin is the most effortless person I know and that’s why she is so special. Most people that create great results struggle and grind, but she is creating mind-blowing results as easy as water runs downhill. She makes you believe in magic. Kathrin plays at a whole different level.”

Tigran Unanjan

Accelerated Lifestyle

5 beautiful stories that prove your dreams can come true

Meet Natalia Bugeja

“After working with Kathrin, I was still in that higher energy, and I had my best month — I earned $70,000”

When I first discovered Kathrin, I was pregnant with my daughter and felt a shift to feminine energy. I was immediately magnetized by her emotional and energetic coaching style.

I was in a place where I didn't feel like I had support with my new energy...

Natalia Bugeja

“After working with Kathrin, I was still in that higher energy, and I had my best month — I earned $70,000”

When I first discovered Kathrin, I was pregnant with my daughter and felt a shift to feminine energy. I was immediately magnetized by her emotional and energetic coaching style.

I was in a place where I didn’t feel like I had support with my new energy. And Kathrin was an example of someone who earned millions in a natural, very intuitive, feminine energy, which is what I wanted, so I bought her program.

I was attracted to her attitude to money, financial freedom, and higher energy. I felt a lot of love and I was attracted to her abundant next-level abundance.

I’m such an emotional and intuitive person that I don’t get sold by intellectual factors, I go by intuition. Kathrin spoke my love language and it deeply resonated.

To invest this much money was a life-changing moment for me. It was wonderfully emotional and marked the beginning of my transformation.

Because of her abundant energy, I naturally felt at ease when she talked about money. It changed how I felt about money. But more than that, she helped me become more relaxed so I could start to really enjoy my life.

Even now, when I listen back to the recordings, I feel her energy, which is abundance and prosperity. She took me to her world and gave me the awareness to help get rid of stories I’d created and create new ones with prosperous and abundant thinking.

It helped me begin the process of releasing shame. And she really helped me with feeling the ease.

After working with Kathrin, I was still in that higher energy, and I had my best month — I earned $70,000.

Now every time I fall back into old habits of pushing and grinding, I just listen again to her recordings to shift my energy and attract more with ease and joy.”

Meet Steffi Ruijter

“My biggest win? Trusting myself, just believing in myself”

“They say if you start a business, you have to be strict and serious, you have to work hard to earn a lot of money but honestly — I didn’t believe it. It never worked like that for me…

Steffi Ruijter

Miss Mindchanger

“My biggest win? Trusting myself, just believing in myself”

“They say if you start a business, you have to be strict and serious, you have to work hard to earn a lot of money but honestly — I didn’t believe it. It never worked like that for me… it felt easy to get what I wanted in the past.

But no one else was saying that. And I started to get confused because there were a lot of different voices giving business advice and those voices were so loud in my head that I didn’t hear my own voice.

I asked myself, there must be another way… Is there somebody who thinks the same way I do or who can help me? And then Kathrin came into my life and spoke to my inner voice.

My biggest win from learning with Kathrin was learning to listen to myself. Now I live in a beautiful house in Austria that I manifested and I have a lot of customers but I think the biggest win is not the money, it’s a feeling — the feeling of trusting yourself, just believing in yourself.”

Meet Vivien Paul

“She plants seeds within you that start to blossom…”

I wanted to find an even easier way to do things — a more energetic way. Kathrin is very magnetic, she talks to your subconscious mind energetically. And I wanted to be in her energy to help me transform my own...

Vivien Paul

“She plants seeds within you that start to blossom…”

I wanted to find an even easier way to do things — a more energetic way. Kathrin is very magnetic, she talks to your subconscious mind energetically. And I wanted to be in her energy to help me transform my own.

It was a big investment to join Kathrin’s retreat — 25.000€ — but I just imagined myself being there, I visualized myself at the retreat. I was playing with my imagination for so long that at some point, I just did it!

My previous coach was a man and there was a lot of like masculine energy and discipline in business with him. But with Kathrin, I was attracted to the feminine side, the flow. 

While I was at the retreat I landed the three sweetest dream clients ever! That was just the beginning…

My business is now easier – it’s more trusting and surrendering.  Kathrin helped break so many limitations. 

You start to open your mind to new and more powerful ways that are more aligned with you, when you work with Kathrin.

Life becomes more joyous, it becomes more fun. You become more magnetic and others are naturally more drawn to you.

She really embodies what she’s teaching and I love that about her. You might not see the effects of her coaching straight away, but it continues to work within you. She plants seeds within you that start to blossom…

Meet Danielle Amos

“She pulls you to the next level version of yourself”

Kathrin does things a little differently, it’s like a rebirth.

I've always been taught a very masculine approach to manifestation and Kathrin is a lot more feminine.

I wanted to learn from her so she could help me fill in the blanks.

Danielle Amos

Manifestation Coach and Mentor

“She pulls you to the next level version of yourself”

Kathrin does things a little differently, it’s like a rebirth. 

I’ve always been taught a very masculine approach to manifestation and Kathrin is a lot more feminine. 

I wanted to learn from her so she could help me fill in the blanks. I know that like there’s always room for growth and I was excited to learn from someone who had a different perspective and incredible results.

I took bigger risks after being around Kathrin, I’d be quicker to say yes to things. Before I’d never dreamed of spending $2,200 on a hotel room, the most I’d have spent was $250. 

I became so much bolder and the universe rewarded me with abundance. And my business grew for sure.

There have been a few instances where my interactions with Kathrin have changed my life. Once, she asked me what I wanted and desired in my life…. And just by having this conversation, I had this epiphany — of course, I can be getting my hair done every week, of course, I could be buying myself my flowers….

So I went home and shifted absolutely everything that I was doing for myself and started putting myself first. That was my biggest year when we hit $1 million in revenue for the first time. 

Kathrin helps you realize your potential and that’s such a gift

There aren’t many people that embody what they believe as Kathrin does — she lives and breathes it  — I spent a weekend with her in New York and she really does find wonder in every moment. She can harvest the good and bad times.

When you are in her presence, you automatically want to be great and level yourself up to match her integrity and grace. She pulls you to be the next-level version of yourself.

She has such magical energy — the way she describes things and asks you questions, it’s not from a judgment place, it’s like reflecting back to you. She understands and sees things that most people don’t. And it’s pretty remarkable.

Meet Karen Brook

“Kathrin helped me find more of myself in the feminine and be unconditionally happy with myself”

I was successfully running a 7-figure business when I met Kathrin and I thought no one could coach me because no one's in this position — running a million-dollar business with two small children…

But Kathrin helped me find a bit more of myself in the feminine...

Karen Brook

Mindset Coach

“Kathrin helped me find more of myself in the feminine and be unconditionally happy with myself”

I was successfully running a 7-figure business when I met Kathrin and I thought no one could coach me because no one’s in this position — running a million-dollar business with two small children…

But Kathrin helped me explore my feminine powers… I’ve been running my own business since I was 18, in a very male-dominated industry. She helped me realize it was okay to bring more of my feminine side into business, it was safe to bring the whole of me.

Her program was in German, I don’t even speak German. I couldn’t understand it consciously. But subconsciously, I got so much from it.

I came at it from a very feminine, spiritual, and energetic perspective, after learning in a very masculine, mechanical, and sales-orientated way. 

It was a wonderful process — how does Karen Brook bring both the feminine and the masculine and what does that look like? A new model that would work for me as a wife, mom, entrepreneur, business owner, and leader. 

It was a nurturing space to explore without judgment – it enabled me to explore, rather than needing to get it all and be great all the time. I was able to sit back and absorb it.

I learned with Kathrin that a lot of my self-image and my self-worth were attached to being the star of the show and the top of the tree. 

The work I did with Kathrin gave me an opportunity to be really happy with myself without all of it. I still could love myself, even if I wasn’t selling every day or if money wasn’t coming in, or if I wasn’t doing discovery calls, I could still be happy with myself.

I became more comfortable talking about money, and not having to get made up for a call.

It helped me put less pressure on myself, it was soothing. It was fresh off the gas. 

It really helped me find a new balance within myself around work, and create a more fluid lifestyle. I practiced not running to a schedule, I practiced coming to calls with my hair wet and it gave me an opportunity to practice being this new version of myself when I was in a safe environment. Now it doesn’t matter where I am, or what I’m doing, I know that I’m unconditionally worthy. And that’s really helped me sustainably grow my company and feel really comfortable in my own skin no matter what that might look like. I don’t need to dress a certain way because my energy is enough.

“Look what the postman delivered!”

Dear Kath,

We met almost three years ago, and I remember the feeling that “I was exactly looking for You, and you were my treasure”.

I was looking for an answer to my many whys and you were the person who opened the door to a bigger world. Bigger questions, bigger answers.

I was facing one of the most difficult times in my life, my daughter was only a few months old, and I was already a single mother in a story I was trying to get out of.

The first moment I worked with you I really experienced the change, having to unlearn and learn new things, new ways to live and believe!

Then I remember I was hoping to learn from you more, and then it happened, you came up with a new program and I made my biggest decision, deciding to spend more than I ever spend on myself. It was a beautiful experience shared with people around the world, mentors and non.

It was stunning, even now I can feel in my body all the highest vibrations.

For me, was really a helpful gift, that I will keep with me for the rest of my life. You are the person who helped me grow, it was like you gave me a Windstar with which I can always find my higher self and my way and answers.

Since this moment millions of beautiful things have happened, just last year my manager called me the Magic Lady, I have tripled my results at work and my salary increased.

I know this is just the beginning and thanks to you now I believe I can reach everything I want.

Forever Grateful for you and me.


Amazing, right?…

There is more!

Dear Kathrin,

Your program, is like a beautiful flower to me.

I am a beautiful flower that is now coming into full force and bloom. A flower that delights me and others with its beauty. With the wind of freedom between the petals. Nourished with the roots of joy and lightness! Roots that keep getting stronger – year after year.

Don’t be afraid of change, of a winter, because the next spring always comes when I decide to! If I allow myself to bloom in all my colors. Simple that way. Be simple. Just because.

Thank you, dear Kathrin, for helping me blossom and grow! Thank you for letting me stand next to you on a beautiful flower meadow, with so many other flowers that just make life colorful and beautiful.

Thank you for the morning dew that kisses me, the sun that warms me and the night when you let me rest. Thank you for this indescribable magic that accompanies and carries me from now on.

Like magical pollen that covers me over and over again, touches me gently and whispers to me: “Life is so indescribably beautiful! You can be and have anything you want!”

Thank you for so much joy, lightness and awareness!

Love, Caro

A little flashback from our Facebook feed

(Before we deleted it ✨#RIP✨)

Get an exclusive insight in these Profiles of Greatness

Bäm Business

Sarah Tschernigow

“I shut down my existing business, created a new one, and earned 85.000 € — in just one month!”

Meet Sarah, a visionary entrepreneur who transformed her life and business through our coaching programs.

In this Profile of Greatness, Sarah shares her inspiring journey from a successful yet stressed nutrition business owner to becoming a thriving and fulfilled coach for women with her brand „Bäm Business“.

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Claudia Engel

“Suddenly I had sales of around 10.000 €, which I could never have dreamed before”


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Reise zum Bewusstsein

Leonie Malinowski

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Ready for your magical transformation?